Moringa Hildebrandtii

CHF 136.00
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Moringa hildebrandtii grown from seed, originating from Madagascar, currently about 30-35cm high; needs a lot of light, i.e. for the sunniest location you have in the house, in summer preferably put on the balcony (such a fresh air stay does the plant a lot of good); in winter the Glücksbaum should stand a little cooler (around 10-15C) degrees - with less watering; not hardy; rather keep too dry than too humid - the bottle-shaped base of the trunk - with time - serves as a water reservoir; water moderately in summer and quite little in winter; also suitable for bonsai; fancier plant/tree for collectors; not overfertilised therefore top healthy & robust (100% organic quality before quantity!); potted in self-mixed permeable organic substrate; repotting only desired in 1-2 years; enjoy your new "Moringa hildebrandtii"!

This plant is named after the German explorer Johann Maria Hildebrandt, who spread Madagascar in 1879-1881 and mentioned this species for the first time. 

You get the plant of the  displayed size.