June 29, 2024

Yellow Leaves on Your Ficus: No Need to Panic!

By Tomas Rodak
Yellow Leaves on Your Ficus: No Need to Panic!, Ficus Benghalensis, TOMS FLOWer CLUB


Ficus plants are beloved by plant enthusiasts for their robust nature and attractive appearance. But what should you do if yellow leaves suddenly appear on your Ficus? Don’t worry – this isn't always a reason to panic. In this blog, you'll learn how to correctly interpret yellow leaves and what care your Ficus needs to stay healthy.

1. Proper Watering

A common reason for yellow leaves is improper watering. Too much water can cause root rot, while too little can dry out the plant. The soil should be evenly moist but not wet. Let the top layer of soil dry out slightly between waterings.

2. Light Conditions

Ficus plants love a lot of light but not direct sunlight. A bright location without direct sunlight is ideal. Too little light can also lead to yellow leaves.

3. Fertilization

Fertilize your Ficus regularly during the growing season (spring and summer), but not excessively. If you have recently repotted your plant, you should avoid fertilizing initially. The roots can be damaged by repotting and burned by artificial fertilizers. Fresh substrate contains all the necessary nutrients, so additional fertilization is not needed. You can use organic fertilizers or homemade fertilizers like nettle manure (only use outdoors as it smells strong but is very healthy for the plant and repels pests).

4. Yellow Leaves – No Need to Panic

It's normal for older leaves at the bottom to turn yellow and fall off. The plant draws nutrients from these leaves before they drop. This is a natural process and not a cause for concern. As long as the new and young leaves are healthy, everything is fine. Your plant is growing and developing – this is a good sign that you have a healthy plant and not an artificial one.

5. Humidity

Ficus plants prefer higher humidity. Especially in winter, when the heating air dries out the environment, you should regularly mist the leaves or use a humidifier.

6. Pest Control

Yellow leaves can also indicate pest infestation. Regularly check the undersides of leaves and stems for pests like spider mites or aphids. If infested, a simple mixture of water and mild dish soap often helps to wash away the pests.


Yellow leaves on your Ficus are not always a cause for alarm. With the right care tips, you can ensure that your Ficus remains healthy and continues to grow. Observe your plant closely and adjust the care accordingly – then nothing stands in the way of a splendid, healthy Ficus.