• Discover the Beauty of Protea Flowers with TOMs FLOWer CLUB

    TOMs FLOWer CLUB, Protea, TOMas Rodak, Swiss photographer, Hasselblad

    Welcome to TOMs FLOWer CLUB, where the art of nature photography meets the beauty of the botanical world. Today, I am thrilled to introduce my captivating work, which masterfully captures the vibrant essence of protea flowers in full blossom.

    I have been told that I am renowned for my ability to encapsulate the delicate details and striking colors of flowers through my camera lens. With a passion for nature and a keen eye for composition, I transform ordinary blooms into extraordinary works of art. Using a high-resolution Hasselblad camera, I ensure every petal and hue is rendered with stunning clarity and precision.

    A Closer Look at the Protea Flower

    The protea flower, known for its unique shape and vibrant colors, is a symbol of diversity and beauty. In my latest photo collection, this magnificent flower is showcased in various hues, each petal telling its own story. The images capture the intricate patterns and rich textures that make the protea a favorite among flower enthusiasts and photographers alike.

    Behind the Lens: The Journey of a Photographer

    "Photography is not just about capturing a moment; it's about conveying the essence of that moment. With flowers, especially the protea, there's so much hidden beauty waiting to be discovered."

    Available for Purchase at TOMs FLOWer CLUB

    I am proud to offer you my exclusive collection of protea flower photographs at TOMs FLOWer CLUB. These stunning images are available for purchase, making perfect additions to any home or office decor. Whether you are an art collector or simply a lover of nature's beauty, my photographs are sure to bring joy and inspiration into your space.

    I am committed to showcasing the finest in floral photography. Visit TOMs FLOWer CLUB today to explore my protea flower collection and discover the perfect piece of floral art for your space.

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  • Discover the Elegant Charm of Callisia Elegans at TOMs FLOWer CLUB

    Discover the Elegant Charm of Callisia Elegans at TOMs FLOWer CLUB

    Welcome to TOMs FLOWer CLUB, where our passion for plants meets our commitment to organic quality. Today, we're excited to introduce you to one of our favorite houseplants: Callisia Elegans, also known as the "Elegant Basketplant." This delightful plant is a true gem for plant lovers, offering stunning foliage, easy care, and a touch of elegance to any space.

    Why Choose Callisia Elegans?

    Callisia Elegans is a versatile and visually striking plant that brings life and color to your home. Native to Mexico and Central America, this plant is known for its small, lance-shaped leaves that boast a unique pattern—green with a silvery stripe on top and purple underneath. This glossy, ornamental foliage makes Callisia Elegans a standout choice for hanging baskets or as a creeping ground cover.

    Caring for Your Callisia Elegans

    At TOMs FLOWer CLUB, we ensure that every Callisia Elegans plant is grown with the utmost care and attention. Here are some tips to help your new plant thrive:

    • Light: Place your Callisia Elegans in bright, indirect light. While it can handle some direct sunlight, too much can scorch its leaves. A spot near a window with filtered light is ideal.
    • Water: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Remember, overwatering can be as harmful as underwatering.
    • Humidity: This plant loves high humidity. Regular misting or placing it near a humidifier will keep it happy. It's perfect for bathrooms or kitchens where the air tends to be more humid.
    • Temperature: Callisia Elegans thrives in temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). It's not frost-tolerant, so keep it away from cold drafts and sudden temperature drops.
    • Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix designed for houseplants. A blend of peat, perlite, and organic matter works great.
    • Propagation: Propagating Callisia Elegans is easy and rewarding. Simply take stem cuttings and place them in water or soil until roots develop. This makes it a fantastic plant to share with friends and family!

    Our Commitment to Organic Quality

    At TOMs FLOWer CLUB, we believe in growing plants the natural way. Our Callisia Elegans plants are propagated from cuttings of our own mature plants, ensuring they are robust and healthy. We use 100% organic methods, avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides entirely. Instead, we rely on biological fertilizers and natural growth processes to cultivate strong, vibrant plants.

    Our plants are grown in the garden, not in greenhouses, which means they are accustomed to natural conditions and are more resilient. This approach not only supports the health of the plants but also promotes a healthier environment. When you bring a plant from TOMs FLOWer CLUB into your home, you can be confident that it has been grown with love and care, following sustainable practices that put quality before quantity.

    For All Plant Lovers with a Green Heart

    Whether you're a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner with a budding interest in greenery, Callisia Elegans is a wonderful addition to your collection. Its easy-care nature and stunning appearance make it a joy to grow. Plus, knowing that your plant has been grown organically and sustainably adds an extra layer of satisfaction.

    We invite you to explore our webshop and discover the beauty and elegance of Callisia Elegans. Each plant we offer is a testament to our dedication to organic growing practices and our passion for plants. Enjoy your new green companion and experience the TOMs FLOWer CLUB difference—where every plant is grown with a green heart.

    For more information and to browse our collection, visit our webshop at TOMs FLOWer CLUB. Happy planting!

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  • Swiss Federal Council Bans Certain Invasive Alien Plants starting September 1, 2024

    Chamaerops Humilis, Tessiner Palme, Verbot für den verkauf ab 01.09.2024

    New Regulation: Swiss Federal Council Bans Certain Invasive Alien Plants

    On March 1, 2024, the Swiss Federal Council decided to amend the Ordinance on the Release of Organisms into the Environment. Starting September 1, 2024, the sale of certain invasive alien plants will be prohibited. This decision is in response to a parliamentary motion to ban the sale of invasive neophytes.

    Why This Matters

    Invasive alien species can cause significant ecological, economic, and health-related damage. Despite this, many invasive plants have been available for sale until now. The new regulation aims to curb the spread of these harmful species by banning their sale and distribution.

    What Will Be Banned?

    The updated ordinance prohibits the distribution of specific invasive alien plants, including selling, gifting, and importing them. Some of the plants that will be affected by this ban include:

    • Butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii)
    • Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)
    • Princess tree (Paulownia tomentosa)

    A comprehensive list of banned plants will be included in a new annex to the ordinance. However, plants that are already present in gardens are not affected by this ban.

    Expanded Handling Prohibition

    The ordinance also expands the handling prohibition, which means that several invasive alien plants cannot be used in the environment. They can no longer be sold, planted, or propagated. This includes plants like:

    • Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
    • Kudzu vine (Pueraria montana)

    Additionally, new import controls by customs will be implemented, although the enforcement of these bans will primarily be the responsibility of the cantons.

    Goals of the Regulation

    These changes aim to prevent the introduction and spread of additional invasive alien plants into the environment. This aligns with Switzerland’s strategy to manage invasive species effectively.

    What This Means for Businesses

    The Federal Council has set the enforcement date for these changes to September 1, 2024. This gives businesses ample time to adjust their inventories to comply with the new regulations.

    For more detailed information, including the full list of banned plants, please refer to the updated ordinance or contact your local authorities.

    At TOMs FLOWer CLUB, we are committed to following these new regulations and ensuring that our plant offerings are safe and sustainable for the environment. Stay tuned for more updates as we adapt our selection to meet these new standards.

    Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns about this new regulation. Together, we can help protect our beautiful Swiss landscape from the threat of invasive species.

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  • Yellow Leaves on Your Ficus: No Need to Panic!

    Yellow Leaves on Your Ficus: No Need to Panic!, Ficus Benghalensis, TOMS FLOWer CLUB


    Ficus plants are beloved by plant enthusiasts for their robust nature and attractive appearance. But what should you do if yellow leaves suddenly appear on your Ficus? Don’t worry – this isn't always a reason to panic. In this blog, you'll learn how to correctly interpret yellow leaves and what care your Ficus needs to stay healthy.

    1. Proper Watering

    A common reason for yellow leaves is improper watering. Too much water can cause root rot, while too little can dry out the plant. The soil should be evenly moist but not wet. Let the top layer of soil dry out slightly between waterings.

    2. Light Conditions

    Ficus plants love a lot of light but not direct sunlight. A bright location without direct sunlight is ideal. Too little light can also lead to yellow leaves.

    3. Fertilization

    Fertilize your Ficus regularly during the growing season (spring and summer), but not excessively. If you have recently repotted your plant, you should avoid fertilizing initially. The roots can be damaged by repotting and burned by artificial fertilizers. Fresh substrate contains all the necessary nutrients, so additional fertilization is not needed. You can use organic fertilizers or homemade fertilizers like nettle manure (only use outdoors as it smells strong but is very healthy for the plant and repels pests).

    4. Yellow Leaves – No Need to Panic

    It's normal for older leaves at the bottom to turn yellow and fall off. The plant draws nutrients from these leaves before they drop. This is a natural process and not a cause for concern. As long as the new and young leaves are healthy, everything is fine. Your plant is growing and developing – this is a good sign that you have a healthy plant and not an artificial one.

    5. Humidity

    Ficus plants prefer higher humidity. Especially in winter, when the heating air dries out the environment, you should regularly mist the leaves or use a humidifier.

    6. Pest Control

    Yellow leaves can also indicate pest infestation. Regularly check the undersides of leaves and stems for pests like spider mites or aphids. If infested, a simple mixture of water and mild dish soap often helps to wash away the pests.


    Yellow leaves on your Ficus are not always a cause for alarm. With the right care tips, you can ensure that your Ficus remains healthy and continues to grow. Observe your plant closely and adjust the care accordingly – then nothing stands in the way of a splendid, healthy Ficus.

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