Agave Parryi Aurea Variegata

CHF 178.00
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Agave Parryi Aurea Variegata - rare agave rarity; with leathery, beautifully yellow-green striped leaves; species just cultivated over several years; grown from a small plant, not over-fertilised therefore robust & healthy (organic quality before quantity!). ), slow growing; potted in self-mixed permeable organic substrate; repotting only desired in 2-3 years; easy to care for, for a (very) sunny location; winter hardy, in 2017 very well survived up to -15C without frost damage, for planting out only in spring (March/April) so that it has enough time to grow well (protect from snow & rain in winter!), good drainage important. ), good drainage is important; overwinter in a dry location; enjoy your new Agave beauty - Agave Parryi Variegata!

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