Hoya Compacta Hindu Rope - CUTTING
Hoya Compacta Hindu-Rope for sale as a 10cm long stem cutting (with 3-4 leaf tiers/rows, as per picture) of the classic green Hoya Compacta Hindu-Rope; this will only be freshly cut after receipt of payment; from the rejuvenation of our own organically grown mother plant (as per picture; this is NOT for sale) from our own plant/Hoya collection; in about 3-4 weeks the first roots should come... do you have a green thumb & patience - then you can grow your own Hoya Compacta Hindu-Rope...
old pink flowering; easy to care for, drooping shoots with time, not overfertilised therefore robust & top healthy (organic quality before quantity!), slow growing, not hardy; pot into a well-drained substrate; no direct sun and waterlogging, please!, enjoy your new Hoya beauty!