Oxalis Adenophylla
Oxalis Adenophylla - also known as "Chilean oxalis" or "silver cloverleaf" - with leaves in a beautiful ONE-coloured silver-blue-green tone; from own propagation (division of the mother plant/rhysomes), easy to care for, (conditionally) hardy; make sure that excess water can drain away well, regular spraying with soft, lime-free or poor water is of course only an advantage; waterlogging should be avoided at all costs; over time it will become quite bushy, beautifully soft purple-flowering; in a well-drained, self-mixed organic substrate. - water is of course only an advantage; waterlogging should be avoided at all costs; over time it becomes quite bushy, with beautiful delicate purple flowers; planted in a well-drained, self-mixed organic substrate (repotting only desired in 1-2 years); not over-fertilised, therefore robust & extremely healthy (100% organic quality over quantity!), between March and October it can enjoy the fresh air and rain outside... in winter you can overwinter it as a "bulb" in a pot in the cellar without watering (and of course, you can grow it as a "houseplant" indoors all year round... then preferably in a room that is not heated too much); enjoy your new Oxalis Adenophylla!
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