Gynura Aurantiaca

CHF 23.00
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Gynura aurantiaca, also known as velvet plant or velvet paw, is a striking houseplant known for its unique characteristics. Here is a description of Gynura aurantiaca:

Appearance: Gynura aurantiaca has soft, hairy leaves that have a striking appearance. The leaves are mostly dark green to purple with a velvety texture that gives them a soft and furry appearance. The leaf shape varies from lanceolate to ovate and they have serrated edges.

Flowers: Gynura aurantiaca produces small, inconspicuous flowers in yellowish or orange tones that are often covered by the showy leaves. Inflorescences may appear as the plant gets older and under the right conditions.

Growth habit: Gynura aurantiaca is a herbaceous plant with a bushy habit and can reach a height of about 30-60 cm. It usually grows compactly and forms dense clumps of hairy leaves.

Care requirements: Gynura aurantiaca is an easy-care houseplant, but it prefers certain conditions. Here are some care instructions for Gynura aurantiaca:

Location: Gynura aurantiaca prefers a bright location with indirect light. However, avoid direct sunlight as it can burn the leaves. An east or west facing window is often ideal.
Temperature: Gynura aurantiaca prefers warm temperatures between 18-24°C, but can also thrive at slightly lower temperatures.

Humidity: Gynura aurantiaca prefers high humidity. It can benefit from regular spraying or placement on a pebble tray.

Watering: Gynura aurantiaca should be kept moderately moist and must not dry out. Make sure that the pot drains well to avoid waterlogging.

Soil: Gynura aurantiaca prefers a well-drained, loose and nutrient-rich soil. A mixture of potting soil and perlite or vermiculite is often well suited.

Fertilisation: Gynura aurantiaca can be fertilised every fortnight during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertiliser.

Special features: The striking, velvety appearance of Gynura aurantiaca's leaves is its distinctive feature. The leaves can vary in different shades from dark green to purple and are often an eye-catcher indoors.


Gynura aurantiaca - a beautiful collector's plant, from own head cuttings propagation; suitable for tropical small display cases or terrariums, from own plant collection; soon yellow flowering, not over-fertilised (100% organic quality before quantity! ), easy to care for, not hardy; potted in self-mixed permeable organic substrate; repotting only desired in 1 year; regular rinsing of the leaves is very good for the plant; much joy with your new "Gynura Aurantiaca"!

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