Philodendron Green Princess
Philodendron Green Princess - like all philodendrons - this plant is one of the air fresheners! The Philodendron Green Princess filters numerous pollutants from the air.
From our own plant collection, grown from small seedlings in the conservatory and outdoors (between April and September) slowly and without massive use of fertiliser (100% organic quality before quantity!). ), definitely not a "fast" greenhouse crop; no sprays/shine for the leaves, top robust; very elegant, potted in self-mixed permeable organic substrate; repotting only desired in 1-2 years; with time it will become even more vigorous and high climbing; for a bright location, should be protected from blazing sun; showering the leaves 1-3 times a month does the plant a lot of good; easy to care for and very grateful - also suitable for "philo beginners"; enjoy your new Philodendron Green Princess!