Sansevieria Suffruticosa
Sansevieria Suffruticosa offered for sale as 3 years old side shoots; 80 cm and 90cm high; from own propagation (division of the mother plant from my sansevieria collection), elegant rounder in cut, narrow-long leaves, leaf length can reach up to 120cm, not over-fertilised therefore robust & healthy, very slow growing, not hardy; "barerooted" to give away - ie. i.e. without pot & substrate; currently planted in permeable self-mixed organic substrate, i.e. the similar substrate would be desirable for planting - important with Sansevierias that no waterlogging forms.
All my Sansevierias from my collection (over 100 species) grow slowly, without being massively fertilised, with the growth pause in winter. As a result, they are top healthy, robust and simply look natural. Sansevierias are not hardy, as plants are supposed to clean the indoor air and increase the oxygen content in the house. Enjoy your new Sansevieria suffruticosa.