Sansevieria Arborescens II
...not exactly "typical" Sansevieria; but it is a... beautiful and rare "Sansevieria Arborescens"; from the division of my mother plant (see picture, this one is not for sale), 4years old; freshly potted; not overfertilised therefore top healthy and robust (quality before quantity!); potted in self-mixed permeable organic substrate (repotting only desired in 1 year); not winter-hardy, easy-care, sunny to semi-shady location; no waterlogging, please!
All my Sansevierias from my collection (over 100 species) grow slowly, without being massively fertilised, with the growth pause in winter. As a result, they are top healthy, robust and simply look natural. Sansevierias are not winter-hardy, as plants are supposed to clean the indoor air and increase the oxygen content in the house. Enjoy your new S.Arborescens!
You get the displayed plant.