Rhipsalidopsis Gaertneri / Hatiora Gaertneri / Easter cactus

CHF 104.00
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Rhipsalidopsis or Hatiora Gaertneri - also known as "Easter cactus"; very grateful decorative houseplant, which was already very popular with our grandparents; offered are 5 plants in 5 different flower colours - white - light pink - pink - dark pink - cardinal pink - red - planted together in a clay pot (it is a compilation of all flower colours currently available on the market); simply enchanting.

All plants are already multi-branched; potted in a well-drained, self-mixed organic substrate; repotting only desired in 3-4 years, not over-fertilised therefore robust & healthy (100% organic quality before quantity!), slow-growing, not hardy, enjoy your new Rhipsalidopsis Gaertneri / "Easter cactus"!

You get the plant of the displayed size.