Araucaria Araucana
Araucaria Araucana grown from seed; also known as the "monkey tree"; still considered a RARE tree for the garden (it is not a houseplant!!!); stem nicely branched, needs plenty of light, i.e. for the sunniest location you have in the garden, already very well hardened to 450 m above the see in winter; not a delicate and highly fertilised greenhouse culture; in time a very impressive tree - 1 eye-catcher in the garden; lover's plant/tree for collectors; top healthy & robust (100% organic quality before quantity!); no sprays/glossing agents for the leaves; potted in self-mixed, permeable organic substrate; planting out in the garden desired, or for the balcony/terrace - but with a larger pot so that it can develop nicely...; enjoy your new "Araucaria Araucana"!
You get the plant of the displayed size.