Euphorbia Milii Variegata / Crown of Thorns - CUTTING
Offered is a 10cm long cutting (as per picture) of Euphorbia milii variegata; this will be freshly cut only after receipt of payment; from the rejuvenation of the own organically grown mother plant (as per picture; this is NOT for sale) from our own plant collection; in about 3-4 weeks the first roots should come... if you have a green thumb & patience - you can grow your own Euphorbia milii variegata...
bright red flowering Euphorbia milii in the rare Albo-Aurea VARIEGATA cross; also called "crown of thorns"; from own succulent collection & propagation; to be planted in well-drained organic substrate; not over-fertilised therefore top healthy and robust (100% organic quality before quantity! ), slow growing, not hardy, for a fully sunny location - from spring on it can also stand outside to enjoy the sun and the wind; avoid waterlogging; enjoy your new Euphorbia milii variegata!
Did you know that?
The botanical name Euphorbia is derived from Euphorbos, the Greek physician from the 1st century AD. In 1753, the botanist and taxonomist Carl Linnaeus gave the entire genus the name Euphorbia in honour of this doctor.
And yes, that's right, euphorbias are not cacti, even though many of them look pretty much like a cactus.