Monstera Adansonii Indonesian Marble

CHF 114.00
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Monstera Adansonii Indonesian Marble is offered as a rooted and already well-established cutting; from my own cutting propagation (from my organically grown mother plant, acc. The plant is already well established, with a strong root system; the leaves have a beautiful variegation similar to a ‘marble slab’; a new hybrid originating from Indonesia - hence the name ‘Indonesian Marble’; potted in well-drained, self-mixed organic substrate; Repotting only desired the following year (when the 3-4 leaf is fully developed); over time it becomes quite vigorous and climbs high (can be pruned back if desired); not over-fertilised, therefore healthy & robust (100% organic quality over quantity! ), no sprays/brighteners for the leaves, no growth hormones; the plant is more suitable for a semi-shady (but still sufficiently bright) location; from spring (May) the plant can also be cultivated outside in a shady location - then the leaves become really nice and leathery; spraying the leaves 1-2-3 times a month is very good for the plant; have fun with your new unique Monstera Adansonii Indonesian Marble!

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