Pachypodium Lamerei Cristata

CHF 187.00
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Pachypodium lamerei is a succulent plant - from the Apocynaceae family - originating from Madagascar - a naturally evolved CRISTATA form - rarity - grafted on Pachypodium lamerei - for a sunny location and well-drained soil, which should be dry rather than moist - the plant is very drought resistant and can survive longer periods without watering - from own succulent collection - not overfertilised therefore robust & top healthy (100% organic quality before quantity! ) - grown slowly (with the growth pause in winter) between 03-11 always kept outside on the terrace - not winter-hardy - species just over-wintered in the winter garden every year - potted up in a permeable self-mixed organic substrate in a clay pot (repotting only desired in 3-4 years) - for a (very) sunny location - avoid waterlogging. 

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