Agave Striata 40x40cm - in a clay pot

CHF 49.00
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Agave striata is a succulent plant from the agave family (Agavaceae). It is native to Mexico. Here are some characteristics and properties of Agave striata:

Agave striata forms dense rosettes of linear, narrow leaves that are usually stiff and erect.
The leaves are grey-green or blue-green in colour and usually have smooth margins, although they may occasionally have fine teeth.
The leaves are long and narrow, typically between 30 and 60 cm long, and about 1 cm wide. They are usually flexible and pliable, compared to some other agave species that can have stiffer and spikier leaves.
The rosettes can reach a size of about 60 to 90 cm in diameter.

Agave striata usually flowers only after many years, often after 10 to 15 years or even longer.
The flower stems are usually towering and can reach a height of up to 2.5 m. The flowers are bell-shaped.
The flowers are bell-shaped, green in colour and often with a hint of yellow or red. They are about 3 to 4 cm long and appear in an upright inflorescence.

Agave striata prefers a sunny location with well-drained soil.
It is relatively hardy and can grow in different climates, including desert and dry areas.
It is a drought-resistant plant and requires little water. Excessive watering can lead to rot.
It is also advisable to take care when handling this plant due to the sharp leaf tips.


Offered fully established plant from own succulent collection; species fairly cared for over several years (with rest break in winter); grown from small plant, not over-fertilised therefore robust & healthy (100% organic quality over quantity!), no greenhouse culture!, slow growing; potted in a self-mixed permeable organic substrate in a clay pot (20cm diameter); repotting only desired in 2-3 years; easy to care for, for a (very) sunny location, please avoid waterlogging; (conditionally) hardy, until now always overwintered either outside (up to -5C) on the house wall or in a non-temperature controlled conservatory; overwinter in a dry location with very little watering; enjoy your new Agave beauty - Agave Striata!

You get the displayed plant.