• photo SCHWEIZ - your DISCOUNT CODE

    photo SCHWEIZ - your DISCOUNT CODE

    Further to my successful participation in the photo SCHWEIZ exhibition, I would like to say "THANK YOU" for your appreciation with the 10% discount on ALL my photos and prints; feel free to use "369" discount code - valid till end of June 2022 - at the check out.

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  • Propagation of VARIEGATA Sansevieria crosses

    Propagation of VARIEGATA Sansevieria crosses
    If you like to propagate VARIEGATA crosses of the Sansevieria, and want to keep the given cross in the new plants, then always propagate only the side shoots of the plants. Propagation by leaf cuttings also works with the Sansevieria, BUT the resulting plants will always be in the pure green basic form, i.e. not a Variegata cross.
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    Re-potting of Sansevieria Trifasciata Moonshine, TOMs FLOWer CLUB explanatory blog article

    If someone tells you that the plant is totally easy to care for and does not need to be repotted for the next few years, it certainly does not mean that you should simply forget about it for the next 10 years... I have just rescued such a plant - SANSEVIERIA TRIFASCIATA MOONSHINE - and given the individual shoots a new independent life.

    Despite the extremely high number of plants in the small pot; I could not even put a finger in between; the re-potting itself is not a big issue at all. Each plant needs to be carefully separated from the other one (a sharp knife is of big advantage), clean the roots, remove the dry leaves a carefully wash each of the new plants. After this, just leave the plants for couple of days at the dry place with room temperature. After approximately one week you may start potting the plants into the new (clay) pots with well drained soil.

    Generally each new planted plant makes within 1 year 1-3 new side.plants, which can be again separated form the mother plant in the second year of growth. 

    To keep the bright white foliage colour (of SANSEVIERIA TRIFASCIATA MOONSHINE), the plants need sufficient light; please note that Sansevierias come from Africa, are succulents and pretty much enjoy sun.

    What is your experience with Sansevierias? Do you already have them in your (Sansevieria)Collection?

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