• WILHELMA in Stuttgart/Germany - your visit in the zoological-botanical garden

    WILHELMA in Stuttgart/Germany - your visit in the zoological-botanical garden

    If you're looking for a fascinating destination that delights both animal and plant lovers, I truly recommend visiting the historic Wilhelma in Stuttgart in Germany.

    The Wilhelma has a captivating history dating back to the 19th century. It was originally built as a royal pleasure palace in the Moorish style and later served as a royal winter garden. The architectural details and stunning gardens of Wilhelma are testaments to its magnificent past.

    Today, Wilhelma is a zoological-botanical garden and a popular tourist attraction. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of wildlife as you admire majestic big cats such as lions, tigers, and leopards. Observe the grace of elephants, the elegance of giraffes, and the playful primates like gorillas and chimpanzees. The diversity of animals in Wilhelma will surely impress you.

    In addition to the fascinating animals, Wilhelma also offers a haven of tranquility and beauty in the form of its enchanting botanical garden. Explore an impressive variety of plant species, from fragrant flower beds to colorful rose gardens and exotic plants from different climatic zones. Visit the tropical house and be enchanted by the lush vegetation and exotic scents.

    During your visit, you can not only admire the wildlife and plant life but also explore the picturesque garden grounds. Enjoy a leisurely walk along the ponds and waterfalls or find a cozy spot for a picnic amidst nature. Wilhelma also offers various restaurants and cafes where you can take a break and savor the atmosphere.

    Wilhelma is not only a place of wonder but also a hub for conservation efforts. By visiting Wilhelma, you actively support the preservation of endangered animal species and contribute to ensuring that these fascinating creatures can be admired in the future.

    So pack your camera, put on comfortable shoes, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in TOM's FLOWer CLUB style. The historic Wilhelma in Stuttgart awaits you with its unique blend of wildlife, botanical treasures, and architectural beauty. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this destination and create wonderful memories.

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  • MAKE A WISH - ART cooperation with DIMITRI LIKISSAS

    MAKE A WISH - ART cooperation with DIMITRI LIKISSAS

    Welcome to TOMs FLOWer CLUB, where not only your plants but also your floral art wishes come together! I strongly believe that floral art has the power to inspire and uplift, and we have an extraordinary pointillistic piece that will captivate your imagination. Imagine owning a stunning artwork that reflects your favorite color and incorporates your lucky number. Read on to discover the enchantment that awaits you.

    Make a Wish:
    In collaboration with the renowned pointillistic artist Dimitri Likissas, TOM's FLOWER CLUB presents the concept of making wishes. We invite you to embrace your dreams and desires as you explore our exquisite artwork. What is it that you long for? What stirs your soul? Allow yourself to dream, and let art be the vessel that brings your wishes to life.

    Your Favorite Color:
    Color speaks to the depths of our emotions, and we understand the significance of your favorite hue. When you acquire your 35 x 45cm pointillistic flower artwork, created with household gloss paint on canvas, you have the opportunity to choose the dominant color that resonates with you. Let your favorite color fill your space and evoke the emotions that inspire you.

    Your Lucky Number:
    Numbers hold mystical power and symbolism in our lives. In collaboration with the world-renowned artist Dimitri Likissas, we have created a series of pointillistic flower artworks where your lucky number takes center stage. Each piece is a unique creation, numbered from 001 to 999. Discover if your lucky number is available and claim it as your own, for it will be beautifully embedded within the intricate floral masterpiece.

    Experience the Magic:
    Dimitri Likissas' artwork is a testament to his artistic mastery and attention to detail. With each meticulously hand-painted dot, he weaves a story of beauty and grace. By acquiring this unique piece (1/1), you become the sole owner of a work that holds both aesthetic allure and personal significance.

    Check the Number Availability:
    To ensure the availability of your desired lucky number, please visit Dimitri's creative website and explore the enchanting world of his creations. There, you will find the collection and discover if your preferred number is still waiting to be claimed. Act swiftly, as each artwork is a one-of-a-kind treasure, and once a number is chosen, it is forever reserved.

    Make a wish, embrace your favorite color, and celebrate your lucky number with a remarkable artwork by Dimitri Likissas. Let this unique piece grace your space, reminding you of your aspirations and the beauty that surrounds you. Your wishes are waiting to be fulfilled.

    Wishing you an inspiring ART experience, your TOM

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  • NEW TROPICAL GREENHOUSE at the botanical garden in Basel / Switzerland

    NEW TROPICAL GREENHOUSE at the botanical garden in Basel / Switzerland

    The botanical garden in Basel, Switzerland is a beautiful and vibrant oasis of nature located in the heart of the city. Officially known as the "Botanischer Garten der Universität Basel," it is affiliated with the University of Basel and serves as both a research institution and a public garden.

    The botanical garden is situated on a spacious plot of land and offers visitors a diverse collection of plant species from around the world. Its primary purpose is to educate and promote the study of botany, horticulture, and plant conservation. The garden serves as a valuable resource for researchers, students, and the general public interested in the botanical sciences.

    The garden features various themed sections, each showcasing different plant species and ecosystems. These sections include a rock garden, an alpine garden, a water garden, a medicinal plant garden, and a tropical greenhouse. Each area is thoughtfully designed and maintained to provide an immersive and educational experience.

    In the rock garden, visitors can explore an array of plants that thrive in rocky environments, including alpine flowers, shrubs, and grasses. The alpine garden replicates high-altitude ecosystems, showcasing plants adapted to harsh conditions found in mountainous regions.

    The water garden is a tranquil space with ponds, streams, and water-loving plants. It provides a serene atmosphere for visitors to enjoy and observe aquatic plants, such as water lilies and marsh plants.

    The medicinal plant garden highlights various herbs and plants traditionally used for medicinal purposes. It offers valuable insights into the historical and cultural significance of these plants and their medicinal properties.

    The tropical greenhouse is a haven of lush greenery, featuring a diverse range of exotic plants from tropical regions around the world. Visitors can immerse themselves in a humid and tropical environment while observing palms, orchids, bromeliads, and other tropical flora.

    Apart from its impressive plant collections, the botanical garden also includes research facilities, herbariums, and laboratories that support scientific research and conservation efforts. It regularly conducts educational programs, workshops, and guided tours to engage the public and raise awareness about plant diversity and conservation.

    The botanical garden in Basel provides a delightful escape from the bustling city, offering a serene and educational environment for all nature enthusiasts, students, and researchers alike. It is a place where visitors can connect with the wonders of the plant world and appreciate the beauty and importance of botanical diversity.

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    How to re-pot Sansevierias in the spring for healthier growth

    Sansevierias, commonly known as snake plants or mother-in-law's tongue, are popular houseplants due to their unique appearance, low maintenance requirements, and air-purifying abilities. With their tall, sword-like leaves and ability to thrive in a wide range of indoor conditions, sansevierias make excellent additions to any home or office. As spring approaches, it's an ideal time to consider re-potting your sansevierias to ensure their continued health and growth. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of re-potting sansevierias in the spring and provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to do it successfully.

    Why Re-pot Sansevierias in the Spring?

    Spring is the optimal time to re-pot sansevierias for several reasons. Firstly, the arrival of warmer weather and longer days signals the start of the growing season for many plants, including sansevierias. Re-potting in spring allows the plants to take advantage of the increased sunlight and warmth, which can promote faster root growth and overall plant vigor.

    Secondly, sansevierias are slow-growing plants that prefer to be slightly root-bound. However, over time, they can outgrow their pots and become pot-bound, with roots circling around the container's edges. Re-potting in spring gives you the opportunity to refresh the potting mix and provide your sansevierias with fresh nutrients to support healthy growth throughout the growing season.

    Lastly, spring is a time when many houseplants, including sansevierias, may experience increased growth and vitality. Re-potting during this time can help reduce transplant shock and promote faster recovery, allowing your sansevierias to establish themselves in their new pots more quickly.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Re-potting Sansevierias

    Re-potting sansevierias may seem daunting, but with the right tools and technique, it can be a straightforward process. Follow these step-by-step instructions to re-pot your sansevierias in the spring:

    1. Gather Your Materials: You'll need a new pot that is slightly larger than the current one, fresh potting mix suitable for succulents or well-draining soil, a trowel or spoon for digging, and gloves for protection.

    2. Prepare the New Pot: Fill the new pot with enough potting mix to provide a stable base for the sansevierias. Leave enough space at the top to accommodate the plant's base.

    3. Remove the Plant from the Old Pot: Carefully remove the sansevieria from its old pot by gently loosening the roots with your fingers or a tool. Be cautious not to damage the roots or leaves in the process.

    4. Inspect the Roots: Take a close look at the roots to check for any signs of rot or damage. Trim away any brown or mushy roots with clean pruning shears or scissors.

    5. Plant in the New Pot: Place the sansevieria in the center of the new pot, making sure it is upright and at the same depth as it was in the old pot. Add more potting mix around the roots, pressing it gently to secure the plant in place.

    6. Water and Settle the Soil: Water the newly re-potted sansevierias lightly, allowing the water to settle the soil and eliminate any air pockets. Avoid overwatering, as sansevierias prefer to be kept on the drier side.

    7. Place in Optimal Conditions: After re-potting, place the sansevierias in a location with bright, indirect light and moderate humidity. Avoid placing them in direct

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